Our Future Vicar? – 18 February 2011

IN-SPIRE-ING_I took this photo on my phone earlier today, and I was impressed by the quality.

I’ve had a really interesting day today, talking to hopefuls for the role as vicar at St Luke’s. Following Richard Holroyd’s move to Bristol back in November 2010, we’ve been on the hunt for a new priest-in-charge, and produced a Parish Profile at the start of this year. A whopping seventeen candidates applied, of which four (all female) were shortlisted by the churchwardens.

Today, I had the chance to chat to a couple of them along with a whole host of other members of the congregation. Whilst not an ‘interview’ as such by any means, comments on each candidate were jotted down.

The day was well-organised, with each prospective vicar being given a drive-by tour of the parish, a look around the vicarage, a coffee session and sandwich lunch, and a visit to St Luke’s C of E Primary School.

There’s still a long way to go until we license our new vicar, but we’re certainly one step closer. I look forward to the events of the rest of this year, and how the ministry team at St Luke’s will change over the coming months.

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