Jamboree: Saying A Few Words – 16 March 2011

You may have noticed a recent spike in Jamboree-related tweets and blogs, as the countdown to Sweden ticks away ever more loudly. With just over four months to go, last night I launched a new ‘page’ here on WordPress about how I got to where I am today; you can click here to access it, or use the handy link below the masthead.

Tonight, at a parents’ information evening offering guardians more information about their little darlings’ summer holiday, Berkshire Jamboree leaders highlighted the more recent developments on the admin-side of the trip. Intermingled with the slides showing standard-issue kit and times of flight departures, PowerPoint presentations put together by each patrol at the weekend. Naturally, I (being my modest, timid self) agreed to take on the responsibility of organising the presentation for our group.

I’d already done much of the work – I’d made a slideshow giving a brief, two-minute glance at twelve months of being a Berkshire Jamboree member for a public speaking/media relations training course (organised by the UK scouting press-release bigwigs). All I needed to do was include the rest of the patrol.

In the end, I decided to get each patrol member to choose and speak about a photo summing up their favourite moment of their own ‘Jamboree experience’ so far.

To close, I produced a short film explaining why Daniel Thomas’ time on the team has been much shorter than everybody else’s, and what he was most looking forward to on the Jamboree. It was a late-night edit yesterday, but I am really pleased with the resulting piece. Plus, it offered a chance to show another audience one of my films.

The aforementioned video is embedded below for your enjoyment.

ABSstudios-branded film about Daniel Thomas joining the Berkshire Unit.
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