Advent Begins: Countdown to Christmas – 1 December 2010

ADVENTBEGINS_Advent candle and countdown toy It’s official! The countdown to Christmas has begun! And by ‘countdown to Christmas’, I don’t mean some weird Adobe Flash® countdown timer, giving the number of seconds until the big day. No, I mean Advent – the time of expectant waiting for the nativity of Jesus Christ our Lord.

As we count the days down to Christmas, and get ever more frantic and panicked as we remember each member of our family who we haven’t yet purchased presents for yet, we burn Advent candles and open Advent calendars. The big day is now just 24 whole days away, and I for one can’t wait. It’s not the presents I receive that I like most: it’s the sense of giving, the enjoyment of Christmas carol-singing, and the many ancient family traditions, like beef bourguignon on Christmas Eve following the Christingle Service at our church.

Merry Christmas blog-mates!

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