Harriet to Uni – 3 October 2010

Today, my sister headed off to university, having taken a gap year since leaving school in 2009. Although I didn’t go with her, I’ve seen photos taken by Mum and Dad (who dropped her off), of her settling into her room and the college. Fortunately she looks smiley and happy, and it’s great to see her with old schoolmates – though I’m sure she’ll quickly settle in and make many new friends.

Although we’d only been planning the exact practicalities of getting her stuff there for a matter of days, today is in fact a day we’ve been thinking about for a very long time.

Many years ago, we sat around the kitchen table (probably eating dinner) and imagined the day when Matthew may be working full-time, Harriet would be at university, and I would therefore be an only child.

With Matthew now living and working in Edinburgh, the day we once dreamt about came today. It’s early days, and the only immediately noticeable difference is a larger space on the towel rail! But as time goes on I’m sure I’ll miss our often juvenile conversations, the last-minute lifts to and from various places, and – above all – someone my age sitting next to me at teatime.

Still, I’m sure I’ll get used to it, just as she gets used to life surrounded by people her age. I wish my little big sister the very best of luck, as she embarks on the final years of her education.

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